New Collection
Now You are able to take a look at my New Collection and choose Your favourite jacket or coat suitable for spring, summer, autumn or winter.
Lue suomeksiNow You are able to take a look at my New Collection and choose Your favourite jacket or coat suitable for spring, summer, autumn or winter.
Lue suomeksiAs my collection includes jackets for different weather circumstances I have provided each picture with an “Icon” above the jacket name, expressing for which kind of weather the jacket is suitable. With the Icon it is easy to understand the jacket level of warmth comfort.
Please, note the side remarks; the icons are an indication to provide the customer guidance. The thickness and warmth provided by the jacket styles remains of course a personal experience and preference.
Wear as “demi-season jacket” in principle for all year around during spring, chilly summer days, autumn and mild winter days. Suggested to use in plus temperatures from +5 Celsius upwards. (60 g wadding).
Fit for the chilly and light frosty days. Suggested temperatures form +5 Celsius up to -10 or -15 Celsius. (120 g wadding).
Fit for the colder days, or for those who just want to be warmer during frosty days. The fur trimmings give additional warmth. (120 g wadding).
Fit for the colder days, or for those who just want to be warmer during frosty days. The fur trimmings give additional warmth. (120 g wadding).